Supported projects

Erzielkonscht asbl

A project aiming to promote the art of storytelling to an adult audience and capture the attention of grown-up ears through various aspects of this art. Betsy Dentzer tells us about her project.

Betsy Dentzer and Luisa Bevilaqua from the non-profit Erzielkonscht in a studio of radio 100,7.

@Jessica Theis

Betsy Dentzer and Luisa Bevilaqua from the non-profit Erzielkonscht.

  • Focus area Cultural
  • Type of grant stART-up fund
  • Period 2021

The project

Luisa Bevilaqua and I had felt for some time the desire to focus on an adult audience, and we had repeatedly talked about creating a podcast around the art of speech. At the same time, approaching my 36th birthday, I knew I had little time left to apply for funding from the stART-up fund. Unfortunately, I had never had the right idea for the project before, but suddenly, all these thoughts intersected, and we had to act fast.

Luisa and I knew this was a project that would require a lot of time and diversity. So, we directly designed it for a two-year period, incorporating different formats. To start, we emphasize our behind-the-scenes work, our knowledge, and research on oral literature, with regular confrontations with anthropological, ethnological, philosophical, and political topics. This part of our work is highlighted through a program broadcast on radio station 100.7 (Website available in Luxembourgish only).

In the second season, we will enter the practical phase: we will take the stage and tell our stories to the public at various locations in Luxembourg City. The project will conclude with a full storytelling performance at the Théâtre des Capucins (Website available in Luxembourgish only), in collaboration with a musician.

We find a lot of motivation in our small, well-functioning team. After years of working alone, it's refreshing to exchange ideas, discuss, and sometimes even have different opinions. Through this exchange, we avoid getting stuck on a single position, which allows us to keep developing.

Portrait of Betsy Dentzer and Luisa Bevilaqua from the nonprofit Erzielkonscht in a studio at radio 100,7

@Jessica Theis

Betsy Dentzer and Luisa Bevilaqua


Once the project materialized in our minds, we began communicating about it in a structured and enthusiastic way. Perhaps this is why we were able to convince so many partners to work with us. I can even say we were almost shocked by how quickly we moved forward.

The most beautiful thing about the art of storytelling is its simplicity and the social communication that arises through narration and listening to stories.


Portrait de Betsy Dentzer et Luisa Bevilaqua
Betsy Dentzer Storyteller
Betsy Dentzer and Luisa Bevilaqua from the non-profit Erzielkonscht in a studio of radio 100,7

@Jessica Theis

Portrait of Betsy Dentzer and Luisa Bevilaqua from the nonprofit Erzielkonscht in a studio at radio 100,7.

Our radio show began in October 2021. So far, nine episodes on a variety of subjects have been recorded, and a second season of episodes will follow from October 2022. In the autumn of 2022, our storytelling evenings with an audience will begin, and we are currently organizing the concrete implementation of these evenings with our partners.

This planning involves a lot of work, and with just the two of us, it's not always easy to do everything. However, with a desire for personal development and professionalism, we decided to manage everything ourselves, both organizationally and financially.

So, by jumping into the unknown, we have faced some obstacles from time to time. We've sought advice here and there, and we’re not ashamed to ask for help when we need it.

Portrait of Betsy Dentzer and Luisa Bevilaqua

@Jessica Theis

Betsy Dentzer and Luisa Bevilaqua


It is very important to me to be able to present a file that shows we have thought about all conceivable aspects. In this way, the file moves from being just a piece of paper to becoming a foundation that can open doors. Writing down all my ideas really helped me structure and communicate them more effectively.

In the coming years, we hope to meet people who will attend our storytelling evenings, but also engage in exciting discussions and fruitful exchanges that will give us new ideas. The most beautiful thing about the spoken arts is its simplicity and the social communication that arises through narration and listening to stories. Even if only a handful of people discover the art of storytelling through our project, we will already consider it a great success.

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