Œuvre Nationale


Œuvre organizes and manages the Loterie Nationale, with all game profits fully allocated to Œuvre to fund projects serving the public interest in Luxembourg.

Photo of a meeting room in the Œuvre Nationale building

@Oeuvre Nationale

Œuvre is responsible for the organization and management of the Loterie Nationale (Website available in French only). Established in 1945, the Loterie Nationale was created to ensure the funding of Œuvre’s philanthropic activities. All profits from the Loterie Nationale's Lottery games are entirely transferred to Œuvre, which redistributes them by financing projects that serve the public interest in Luxembourg.

Œuvre is governed by a board of directors that also oversees the Loterie Nationale. The board is tasked with setting Œuvre's strategy, managing its budget and reviewing the annual accounts. It also takes decisions relating to requests for financial assistance submitted to Œuvre.

The members of the board of directors are appointed by the Prime Minister, Ministry of State by decree for a five-year term.