Œuvre Nationale


Photo of the building of Œuvre Nationale with a rainbow.

Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte is a public sector establishment placed under the authority of the Prime Minister, Ministry of State.

Established in 1944 to help Luxembourgish victims of World War II, today Œuvre organises and manages the Loterie Nationale (Website available in French only). The Loterie Nationale, which was created in 1945, funds Œuvre's philanthropic activities, and all its profits are donated to Œuvre to support projects that serve the public interest in Luxembourg.

The legal framework governing Œuvre's operations and organisational structure is outlined in the Law of 22 May 2009 (Website available in French only), as last amended. 

Active in five key areas – Social, Cultural, Environmental, Sports & Health, Remembrance & Heritage – Œuvre has been committed to building a more united, innovative and sustainable society for 80 years.