
Welcome to our two new members

  • Article
  • 19 Feb 2025

Renewal on the Board of Directors

Portraits of Carine Feipel and Laurent Thyes

©Krystyna Dul

Carine Feipel and Laurent Thyes

Œuvre Nationale is pleased to welcome Carine Feipel and Laurent Thyes to its Board of Directors.

Carine Feipel trained as a lawyer and worked for a leading law firm for 20 years before becoming an independent director. A recognised specialist in corporate governance and strategic management, she will bring invaluable expertise to Œuvre. She is a member of the Governance Committee and the Audit and Finance Committee. 

Laurent Thyes is a Government Counsellor 1st class at the Ministry of Justice and Director of the Administration of Penal and Prison Law. He is also Chairman of the Loterie Nationale Committee. His experience in criminal matters will strengthen the commitment of Œuvre and Loterie Nationale in the fight against illegal gambling.

The Board and Management welcome them and look forward to working with them in the future.

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