Call for projects "reNature - restoring biodiversity"
- Article
- Press release
- 10 Oct 2023
Call for projects
With its new call for projects "reNature – restoring biodiversity", Œuvre wants to support any action that aims to protect and/or improve biodiversity in Luxembourg.
Many scientific studies prove that biodiversity is declining worldwide due to human activities that exert major pressures on nature: climate change, pollution and overexploitation, deforestation and desertification, fragmentation of natural habitats, global red list of threatened species and introduction of invasive exotic species …
These are just a few examples that demonstrate the urgent need to reverse this dramatic decline in biodiversity, both in rural and urban areas.
It is in this context that Œuvre Nationale has decided to launch the call for projects "reNature – restoring biodiversity".
We are making available a total envelope of 500,000 euros to support initiatives that protect and enhance biodiversity.
This call aims to encourage multiple concrete and positive actions, setting the minimum amounts at 500 euros and the maximum at 25,000 euros per project.
Eligibility criteria
This call for projects is addressed to:
- Non-Profit organizations (including new associations created to respond to the current call for projects)
- Foundations
- Public institutions
- Companies holding SIS (Society with Societal Impact) status with 100% impact shares
- High schools, universities, primary schools, and all types of educational institutions
- Agriculture
- Animal species
- Water, rivers, lakes (all bodies of water)
- Insects and pollinators
- Plant species
- Awareness raising
- The projects must take place exclusively in Luxembourg.
- The funding from Œuvre will not exceed a maximum duration of 24 months.
- The minimum amount that can be requested from Œuvre is set at €500, and the maximum amount is limited to €25,000 per project.
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