Supported projects

Vereengung fir Biolandwirtschaft Lëtzebuerg a.s.b.l.

A documentary film about organic farming in Luxembourg that explains organic production and gives a voice to organic farmers. Daniela Noesen, director of the Vereenegung fir Biolandwirtschaft Lëtzebuerg a.s.b.l., shares her testimony.

People in a meadow in front of a large sign displaying an image from the film "vu Buedem, Bauzen a Biobaueren"

©Lynn Theisen

  • Focus area Environmental
  • Period 2022

The project

We wanted to raise awareness about organic farming in Luxembourg and explain how it works. That’s why we created this documentary film, where organic farmers and other actors from the sector authentically talk about their everyday work. They share the challenges they face, their fears, and reveal what matters to them and what drives them to continue.

The film was shown in cinemas between October and December 2022. In addition, 5 post-screening discussions were organized, which attracted significant public interest. The first phase of our project is now complete, and the film is currently being shown in municipalities and schools. In collaboration with SCRIPT, we developed an educational program primarily aimed at students aged 15 and up. The film will also be featured at festivals and events on sustainable development or climate.

The feedback in the press and from the public was very positive. For example, at the film's premiere, two young people told me they would like to pursue organic farming as well. This confirms that organic farmers are deeply passionate about their work and can inspire others.


To produce this film, we had to find funding on one hand and mobilize human resources on the other to handle the additional workload alongside our daily tasks. We united all our efforts to secure as many sponsors as possible and are still looking for additional funding.

Raising awareness about organic farming without being proselytizing

portrait de Daniela Noesen, directrice de la Vereenegung fir Biolandwirtschaft Lëtzebuerg asbl, dans un pré avec un de ses collègues
Daniela Noesen Director of the Vereenegung fir Biolandwirtschaft Lëtzebuerg a.s.b.l.

Looking back, I must admit that we underestimated the workload. We should have sought funding for an additional position to handle communications for the project from the moment the film launched in October 2022. However, we’ve also had very enriching experiences and, most importantly, we’ve met people we would likely never have encountered in our regular work environment.

Now the project has entered phase 2: Vu Buedem, Bauzen a Biobaueren is touring municipalities and will be made available in schools. Even in this phase, we continue to receive ongoing requests about the film through our website

In general, I can say that this film is a great source of pride. The organic farmers contributed immensely to it, and that makes me very proud. The result is a beautiful documentary that shows what organic farming is really about, and making this film deeply moved me emotionally.

The goal of the film is not to proselytize or lecture, but rather to explain, enlighten, and motivate in order to spark interest in organic farming and food. Because for us, one thing is clear: regional and fair food production is only sustainable and future-oriented if it is organic.

Organic farming offers solutions to many current issues (water, biodiversity, soil fertility, healthy food, animal welfare, etc.). Through its holistic approach to circular economy in harmony with nature, organic farming is our future. To achieve this, we must all take responsibility because: "We can only preserve what we know, understand, and love."

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