Supported projects

Réidener Jugendtreff

A photographic project based on cyanotypes aimed at engaging different audiences in a common project. Martine Thielmanns from Réidener Jugendtreff explains.

Portrait of Martine Thielmanns from the Réidener Jugendtreff and a colleague

@Jessica Theis

Martine Thielmanns from the Réidener Jugendtreff and a colleague

  • Focus area Social
  • Period 2021

The Project

We had the idea of working on the immutability of things. Through this project, we aim to show that things can evolve and move, even when it seems like nothing is changing. By encouraging young people and refugees to take the same picture (self-portraits, objects, landscapes…) over the course of 6 months, we raise awareness about invisible changes. By creating a link between the past and the present, we provoke reflection on the nature of time.

The Production

We are dependent on weather conditions since sunlight is necessary for cyanotype printing. To continue working on the subject despite this constraint, we found other artistic and photographic techniques that we incorporated into the project.

It’s not time that passes, but rather we who move through it!

Portrait de Martine Thielmanns du Réidener Jugendtreff et d'une collègue
Martine Thielmanns Réidener Jugentreff

All participants found a subject to work on and everyone mastered the cyanotype technique well. Even more, we are always happy to see the surprise in the participants’ eyes when their images take shape. We can then see that they are proud of the results and that the exchanges between the young people and refugees generated by the workshop have borne fruit.

Through this workshop, the participants understand that as time passes, one can approach life’s matters differently, that every human being is ready to adapt to change, and that patience brings many positive results.


It’s not time that passes, but rather we who move through it! When working with perpetual images, we directly measure the changes. It is really this progression over time that our project is based on.

Participants realize that even though processes are long, things can evolve for everyone. We also want to give them a way to envision a more peaceful future and show them that not all situations are fixed. It is truly this progression over time that our project is based on.

Suspended panels with images

@Jessica Theis


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