Supported projects

Kopla Bunz

Early-learning art sessions for young audiences (8 months to 3 years) based on a variety of kinetic and sound installations. Jean Bermes, project coordinator, explains.

Portrait of Jean Bermes and Anna Bonelli

@Jessica Theis

Jean Bermes and Anna Bonelli from the non-profit Kopla Bunz

  • Focus area Cultural
  • Period 2021

The project

As the early years of toddlers were marked by a lack of social learning, it is more than necessary to enable them to recreate bonds after two years marked by the pandemic.

And growing up means learning to weave and knit bonds. We learn to tie our shoes, just as a young sailor learns to tie his sailor's knots. We become attached to those around us and we become emancipated. The navel, at the center of the body and at the heart of life, symbolizes all the ties that have been broken, but also serves as a constant reminder of what connects us.

Growing up means learning to weave and forge bonds.

portrait de Jean Bermes et Anna Bonelli
Jean Bermes Kopla Bunz asbl

As part of the “Knuet” project, toddlers are led by three artists into caves, tunnels, hammocks and cradles… Our aim is to introduce toddlers to interactive installations that invite them to linger, to marvel, and to discover together a fascinating world made of a multitude of knots and braids.

portrait of Jean Bermes and Anna Bonelli

@Jessica Theis

Jean Bermes and Anna Bonelli

The realization

After 12 test sessions at various day-care centers in the region, toddlers will soon be entering performance halls for the first time in 20 performances at Les Rotondes, Le Trifolion (available in French and German only) and Cube 521 (available in French and German only).

We're thrilled to be able to give toddlers the chance to take an active part in their very first artistic performance, stimulating their curiosity, attention and interaction, while sharing a very special moment full of sweetness and discovery with each artist.

portrait of Jean Bermes and Anna Bonelli

@Jessica Theis

Jean Bermes and Anna Bonelli


Interacting with the artists and installations, the children remind us with each new performance why we're in the business in the first place. Their infectious laughter and curious looks testify to their deep desire to explore the world, and to experience art in a sensory and participatory way.

In the light of these positive experiences, we'd like to give as many children as possible in day-care centers across Luxembourg the chance to benefit from an early-learning art project tailor-made for them by qualified and experienced artist-pedagogues.