Supported projects

Fondation Maison de la Porte Ouverte

Creation of a safe space allowing the educational staff of Maison Don Bosco to help children and respond to crises and emotional outbursts. Testimony by Lisset Gabarron, Director at Maison Don Bosco.

Photo of a woman and two men in a hallway

@Jessica Theis

Lisset Gabarron, Director in charge at the Maison Don Bosco, with two of her colleagues.

  • Focus area Social
  • Period 2021

The project

In recent years, and especially with the advent of the pandemic, we have faced a dual challenge: improving the management of emotional outbursts and being more attentive to the psychological distress of children. Over the past two years, we had to double our efforts and creativity to provide greater support to already vulnerable children. Yoga and relaxation workshops were introduced, and we began brainstorming about a calming space where children could refocus and regain their composure during their often-hectic day.

Thus, the idea for our calming space, named "Chill Raum, " was born, which we implemented at the beginning of 2022. It is a safe space on the first floor of Maison Don Bosco where children can externalize their emotions through educational tools without endangering themselves, find calm and relaxation individually, express their suffering, and verbalize their feelings and emotions.

Recognizing the need for calm and serenity is a major challenge.

Portrait de Lisset Gabarron, assise sur un canapé avec deux de ses collègues
Lisset Gabarron Director at Maison Don Bosco (FMPO)

Choosing the name for the room was very important to us, and we discussed it extensively during team meetings: we wanted to avoid giving the room a "Time Out" connotation like those used in medical or psychiatric contexts.

A relaxation room in a children's home

@Jessica Theis

The Chillraum in the Don Bosco House of the Fondation Maison de la Porte Ouverte (FMPO)


Delivery of the ordered materials took longer than expected due to the pandemic, which was quite frustrating. In January 2022, we finally received the materials, and together with our technical team, we set up the room. The "Chill Raum" was gradually made available to the children starting in February 2022 so they could take ownership of the new space and learn to respect it.

To our surprise, some children initially found the "Chill Raum" frightening, and we had to familiarize them with this new space. Several children were able to concretely express their fears of being alone in the "Chill Raum." The process of recognizing the need for calm and serenity was already a significant challenge for them.

We repeatedly introduced the concept of the room to them, described and showed the space, and explained our goals. In return, the children shared their needs and preferences for feeling comfortable in the room. Some still need time to get familiar with this space.

Our intervention is bearing fruit, however: I’m happy to see that the children are gradually embracing this space and using it without fear or anxiety. Watching a child, who was very anxious and impulsive, grow accustomed to the room over several weeks and now actively request to use it is also very rewarding.

Portrait of Lisset Gabarron, sitting on a sofa with two of her colleagues.

@Jessica Theis

Lisset Gabarron, Director in charge at the Maison Don Bosco, with two of her colleagues.


I think it will take more time before our "Chill Raum" is used by all children as naturally as the gym or playroom. We need to continue working to help children familiarize themselves with this space without any pressure.

Over time, every child placed in care, with the multitude of questions, emotions, and anxieties that come with it, should be able to find the calm and serenity they need here. After their stay at Maison Don Bosco, the children will have learned that it is important and necessary to take care of their emotional well-being.

I hope that adults working with children in the field of child welfare will become more concerned and attentive to the emotional and psychological well-being of children. A structured environment, clear rules, and boundaries are important, but a child needs to feel valued and accepted with their emotions and feelings.

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