
"Digital Detox Spaces"

  • Article
  • Press release
  • 15 Apr 2024

Report on the call for projects

Illustration of young people talking to each other, reading books, or playing something

©Œuvre Nationale

Œuvre is pleased to announce the results of its call for projects "Digital Detox Spaces", launched on January 24, 2024. This call aimed to encourage the creation of screen-free common spaces for young people aged 12 to 18, in places frequented by them.

Following discussions with experts in the field, the Youth Committee of Œuvre Nationale has identified internet and social media addiction as a major issue, having an impact on young people and requiring an appropriate response. It is in this context that we launched this call for projects, targeting both formal education structures such as secondary schools, as well as non-formal education structures such as youth centers.

A total of 11 projects were submitted in response to this call, offering a maximum amount of €5,000 per application.

The jury of the call for projects "Digital Detox Spaces" met on March 20, 2024, composed of eight members, including three people from the Board of Directors and five experts in the fields of youth, prevention, and addiction treatment. Following the jury's deliberations and recommendations, Œuvre's Board of Directors approved 7 projects, awarding them a total of €32,738.

Name of project

Nom of organization

Room of silenceEcole internationale Gaston Thorn
Digital Detox SpaceLycée Nic Biever
LOCO KaffiLycée Aline Mayrisch
LBV Game LabLycée Bel-Val
HangoutsLycée International School Michel Lucius
Detox @LESCLycée Edward Steichen
SchoulgaartLycée des Arts et Métiers

List of supported organizations under the "Digital Detox Spaces" call for projects.

The selected projects stand out both for their innovative nature and their ability to offer solutions to digital dependency, aiming to create spaces for exchange in which alternative activities will be proposed. Thus, the interaction between young people will be re-stimulated in places frequented by them, which will have a positive impact on their cognitive skills, emotional stability, and physical well-being.

Each initiative will be carried out collaboratively from May to December 2024, distinguished by its creativity, playful aspect, or commitment to sustainable development.

The Organization would like to thank all participants for their motivation and ideas and is excited to see these projects come to life.

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